Small Groups

Salcombe Community Gospel Choir

You are warmly welcome to come along on Wednesday nights at Holy Trinity Church Salcombe to sing along. Our choir has around 60 members and we perform for concerts, church services, weddings and funerals. Absolute beginners welcome. Speak to Gill Beavis for subscription fee and further details. More information available on our Facebook Page.

Church Choirs

Salcombe and Malborough each have their own choir, though both do work together for joint festivals. Rehearsals are once a week, Thursday evenings for Malborough and Friday evenings for Salcombe.

Art Club

The Art Club meets on Tuesday from 930am for the morning and welcomes people of all abilities especially total beginners. The small entrance fee goes towards the upkeep of Malborough Church.

Hand Bell Ringers

Malborough church has a dedicated club of hand bell rings which meets on Tuesday evenings. Come along and give it a go!

Prayer Group

The prayer group meets weekly on Tuesdays for an hour at 930am at one of the three churches. You will also be able to join the WhatsApp group to keep in touch with intercessions, plans, and prayer concerns.

Bell Ringers

Salcombe, Malborough and Galmpton all have busy and active bell ringing teams who ring most Sunday morning and also for special occasions (eg weddings). For further information contact Lizzy James.

CHRISTMAS 2024: During the Christmas holidays any visiting Bell Ringer to the parish is more than welcome to come and ring the bells at the church in Salcombe

Altar Servers

Altar servers contribute to the worship of our churches and help in the setting up and clearing of services. They assist the clergy and ministers especially in the administration of Holy Communion. If this ministry interests you then please contact Fr Daniel the vicar.

Conservation Trust

The Conservation Trust helps the church raise funds for the fabric of the building by overseeing the yearly Ken Reed Concert, a 100 Club, and a raffle. If you want to get involved with the Friends then contact Bruce Fletcher.

Salcombe Food Share

The local Co-Op sponsors a food share based in the porch of Holy Trinity Church Salcombe. We are always looking for more volunteers to help. Please contact Caroline Broad for more information.